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about us

Who we are?


GUANTES PRO, “our Company” was established in 2010 with the aim of forming one of the most innovative personal protective gloves, safety equipment for the body and accessories for industrial security market. Committed to develope and produce innovative products with a high added value for your company, following a strategy of competitiveness and productivity in the market, collaborating with a long term relation based on results our customers and human capital demand, offering solutions.


INTEGRITY: Act in accordance with ethical and social standards in work-related activities without lying or cheating.

PERSEVERANCE: Continuous effort, you can reach what is proposed and find solutions to the difficulties that may arise.


TEAMWORK: Collaboration of people in order to achieve a common goal.

RESPECT: It allows the acceptance of the limitations of others and the recognition of the virtues of others.

RESPONSIBILITY: Comply with the obligations to guarantee the fulfillment of the acquired commitments.

HONESTY: Always act with rectitude and truthfulness.

RELIABILITY: Security and trust in the organization.

HUMILITY: Knowledge of our limitations and weaknesses.


To be a national and international leader company in the manufacture of industrial gloves and personal protective equipment, promoting the profitability and solidity of our company, committed to our suppliers, collaborators and customers.


Protect the personal (hands and body) of the Mexican and foreign market in the industrial sector with products that satisfy their specific needs, expectations and requirements through the security, ergonomic and aesthetic requirements of the products.







In GUANTESPRO, we are committed to manufacturing quality gloves, satisfying the needs of our customers through an effort of continuous improvement of our processes and services based on ISO 9001: 2015, complying in a timely manner with our commitments being integrity, work in team and responsibility our main values, as well as compliance with the legal requirements that apply to us.

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